
 -a    Preserve file attributes
 -bi   Set input buffer size
 -bo   Set output buffer size
 -c    Confirm files/archives
 -C    Clear arc (A) bit on extract
 -e    Archive empty directories
 -E    Touch extracted files
 -f    Ignore file notes
 -F    Fast progress display
 -k    Keep partially extracted files
 -l    Make file names lower case
 -m    Disable interactivity
 -M    Set maximum merge group size
 -o    On or after date (yyyy/mm/dd)
 -O    On or before date (yyyy/mm/dd)
 -p    Pause after loading
 -P    Set task priority
 -q    Set quiet mode
 -Qf   Faster compression
 -r    Recurse into subdirectories
 -R    Collect archives recursively
 -s    Add only files with no arc (A) bit
 -S    Set arc (A) bit on added files
 -u    Make file names uuper case
 -U    Set console update rate
 -w    Set work directory
 -x    Preserve path names
 -X    Control '.LZX' suffixing
 -y    Store files with ratio > x%
 -Y    Compress archives
 -0    Store all files
 -1    Fast compression
 -2    Default compression
 -3    More compression
 -9    Maximum compression
